
tre dagar har gått sen mitt jag skriver lite hela tiden idag inlägg.

vad jag tänkte mest prata om det är Twilight som jag såg igår. Min nya favoritfilm, den var bara helt underbar. jag vill ha böckerna nu. det känns som att de kan bli en obssession for real.
hey now giiiiiirl.
Robert Pattinson är ju het med, Londonbo <3. jag mailade en massa fake Robzar på facebook, jag blir så trött på folk som låtsas vara någon de egentligen inte är. Detroliga var att jag inte ens började med ett hej... inte ens på den som jag tror är den riktiga robert pattinson...

when viewing all those people claiming to be Robert Pattinson, you seem to be the most credible one. ... i am bored so i have spent my time sending messages to people about pretending to be someone theyre not just to get some unright attention. But at the same time I dont really believe you are him either. So here it goes:
its too bad that the real Robert Pattinson has ceased to exist. And now i mean on internet... i dont really fancy people who pretends to be someone they really arent. Steeling someones identity is not cool. And sure I dont really know if you are him or not, but i am writing this because when searching on the name there came up a million people claiming to be Robz, and i dont think anyone creates that many profiles.
Last but not least I'll apologize for wasting your time/offending you perhaps...but if ur not the real deal i hope you are offended in a way.
isnt that lovely? and yes I apologize for wasting your time whoever you are, but at least you mustve gotten a pretty good laugh from it, at least a little smile? and then im satisfied... i remember being really mad at a dickhead who pretended to be Bert McCracken, it was not funny. but at the same time they shouldnt really answer you anyway, maybe thats why i knew he was a phony.
thank you and goodnight :)

... lite fucked up jag vet. men jag var uttråkad som jag sa och jag ville få reaktioner.. fickdet från en... fattade inte redigt.

Robert Pattinson
Add as Friend Today at 9:48pm Report Message
okay first of all as you can see
i only have one friend.i made this account
so i can marry him on facebook.
so shut the hell up beforeyou make accusations 
  Amanda Orre
Today at 10:06pm
well i cant see anything. and i am sorry if i did upset you.
 the only man id ever wanna marry is Tony Lovato, but id still wouldnt pretend to be him.
But i am deeply sorry. ...

ja... fun fun.
nu vet jag inte vad jag ska skriva faktiskt
Min bror är bra på att skriva, det är inte jag...

JAG VILL HA TWILIGHT, NEW MOON, ECLIPSE AND BREAKING DAWN!  jag kan inte vänta ända till jul! < / 3
jag vill också ha själva filmen Twilight. Nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu.

// MANDA - you are breaking my heart, you tear it apart, i know i cant win but dont put me back to pieces


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