
Juhannas buss is late. or it drove away without them :O Totally weird, thats all i know :P.. she said shes gonna be late .. Busses these days, my oh my.
In oxford there were going busses to the city centre every five minutes, then every ten minutes, then every quarter, then every twentyminutes and then every half hour.
There were always busses.. doh.
But not from Lenhovda to Växjö, no no :P. HAHA sucks.

I've wrapped one present ;)
Det jäkla snöret gick av HAHAHA... alltid för att jag ska misslyckas :P.

Den buss Juhanna skulle byta till körde utan dem :P.. men hon höra av sig  :P HAHA she'll be here, she got no choice :P She gotta help me with the geography, neither of us understand. But hey, I'm at least thinking in english.

I'm tired tired tired.
so im gonna wrap a present :P.. HAHAH..

// MANDA - Poison, Poison, Poison.


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